Oct 1, 2008

Turystycznie to wszystko wyglada. Najfajniejsze chyba zostalo w glowie. Musze tam wrocic!

I could call this update : "Im a toursit in Tokyo." I had no other choice, I was too fascinated to do anything. I really wanted to bring some nice pictures and it pissed me off a bit. But than i chilled out and let it flow. Most beautiful i kept in my head. I have to go back there!


nawet nie potrafilismy znalezc tej uliczki / we couldn't find this tiny street


klimatyzatory / air conditioning


dotyka swiecaca tafle czegos / she touches shining something

widok / view


ludzie / people

ludzie / people

ludzie / people

kucharze / the cooks

policja / police


parasol / umbrella

skrzyzowanie / crossroad


spi na ulicy / he sleeps in the street

budynek rzadowy / governmental building

ginza czyli tam gdzie nie bylismy / ginza the place we didn't go

tutaj sie wstydzilem zrobic zdjecie / i was to shy to take this picture sharp


w riokanie i w kimonie / in ryokan, in kimono

chiho anonimowa / chiho anonymous

opakowanie / wrapped


goscie weselni / wedding guests

swieto / fest

tort / happy wedding cake

bon marriage

mrs and mr bangert

serce / with love from japan