Oct 1, 2008

Turystycznie to wszystko wyglada. Najfajniejsze chyba zostalo w glowie. Musze tam wrocic!

I could call this update : "Im a toursit in Tokyo." I had no other choice, I was too fascinated to do anything. I really wanted to bring some nice pictures and it pissed me off a bit. But than i chilled out and let it flow. Most beautiful i kept in my head. I have to go back there!


Anonymous said...

nie wiem czego oczekiwales, ale ja jestem pod wrazeniem tych zdjec...jak to przewaznie bywa ;)

Rafak said...

dzieki, w zasadzie to były wakacje, i niczego sie nie spodziewalem, ale zawsze chce sie przywiezc jakies super foty, szczegolnie jak sie jest w tak pokreconym miejscu,

Anonymous said...

Do not forget of passing by in China... PLEASE.
Big beijinho
miss you... mt saudade

Rafak said...

Kimiko!!!! still in China?, you know that we were thinking about you recently???
I will not forget i promise :)


Anonymous said...

... still in china!!!
I think of you two very often. Miss you a lot. Hope to see u soon.

Tomasz Rykaczewski said...

Bialy zab czlowieka na wschodzie.

lostinfiction said...

spoko i tak mozna o nich napisac prace magisterska:)