Aug 2, 2009

Nie widziane, nie publikowane. Bo nigdy wczesniej,z wyjatkiem 3 moze sztuk nie pokazywalem tych zdjec. Zadne z nich nigdy nie bylo opublikowane. A czekalem ponad rok zeby tam wejsc. No i jak w koncu wszedlem to sie okazalo ze moj Rollei byl uszkodzony, z kilkunastu rolek ocalalo zaledwie kilka klatek. Wszystkie byly 30cm przeosrzone, o czym nie wiedzialem. Zawsze sprawdzac sprzet przed wyjazdem! tego sie juz nauczylem chyba. A tak ladnie wszystko posprzatali na moj przyjazd. Cale wiezienie bylo przygotowane,nowe mundurki, buty, wykafelkowane wszystko, bajka. A ja zepsutym aparatem. To przynajmniej tu to pokaze.

Druga czesc to Kazan. Bo akcja dzieje sie w Kazaniu, gdzie mieszka Timur. Timur zostal ostatnio ojcem. a zdjecia sa sprzed 4 lat! starocie a jak! To wcale nie znaczy ze nowych brakuje. czekaja na swoja kolej. Te przelelzaly na dysku 4 lata.

Never published, never seen. I have never shown these pictures ( with exception of 3 frames). I have never published these pictures. I've been waiting more than year to get inside. And when I finally made it turned out that my Rollei was broken. Only few frames survived. Always check your camera before going out for shooting. That's what I learned I suppose. And the correction camp was very well prepared for my arrival. They cleaned everything, prisoners had new uniforms and boots, canteen was renovated, not because of me of course but after they did all these things they let me in. And me and my broken camerea inside, ehh. So at least I show few shots here.

Second part is Kazan or what is not Kazan. Well pics were shot in Kazan to be more specific. Timur lives in Kazan and most recently he has become a father. The pictures are from my trip to Kazan and it was 4 years ago. That's right oldies. It doesn't mean that there are no new ones, they wait in line, no worries. These ones have been waiting more than 4 years at my drive.

siedzi / he seats

nie sluchaja co do nich mowia tylko sie patrza na aparat / they don't listen...

wchodza na stolowke / they enter canteen

jedza / they eat


Seria zdjec z cyklu tak nie wyglada Moskwa i Kazan, to jest akurat Nowosybirsk / Bus stop in Novosibirsk. Here you are some non-Moscow and non-Kazan pics

Timur's friends

dziewczyny / girls in blue


Timur's coach


girls / Kazan


Timur's grandma

trener timura i gubernator Kalifornii/ Timur's coach and California's governor

martwa timura / timur's still


F in the kitchen / Kazan






Wtedy wydawalo mi sie ze to urodziny Timura / Timur claimed it was his a birthday party

WC / Kazan
